Friday, July 6, 1984

Letter from Diocese of Roermond, Limburg in The Netherlands

 Letter from Diocese Roermond
Roermond, 6 July, 1984

Dear Mr. Vedder,
Further to my letter of 8 June last, I can inform you that your former wife has not appealed against our judgment of 4 June 1984. 
This means that you are now once again free to enter into a church marriage.
To do so, you can go to the pastor in question in the normal way.
However, you must state your first marriage as well as this declaration of invalidity. 
You can submit this letter as evidence. 
My best wishes for your future also on behalf of my colleagues. 
Sincerely and kindest regards,

Drs. H.H. Notermans, vice-official

Friday, June 8, 1984

Letter from Diocese of Roermond, Limburg in The Netherlands

  Letter from Diocese Roermond
Roermond, 8 juni 1984
Dear Madam,
I am pleased to be able to inform you that the matrimonial proceedings which you initiated at the time have been brought to an end, and that they have come to an end for the better.
This means that the ecclesiastical court, after examining all the data, has come to the conclusion that your marriage to Mr. Franciscus J. van Maris was not a valid marriage.
This judgment is dated June 4, 1984.
Of course, this also means that you are now free to enter into a church marriage again. To do so, you can bring forward the application to the parish priest in the ordinary way. However, you must state your first marriage as well as this declaration of invalidity.
You can submit this letter as evidence.
My best wishes for your future, also on behalf of my colleagues.
Sincerely and kindest regards,

Drs. H.H. Notermans, vice-official

Thursday, November 10, 1983

Extract of the Register of Marriage

 On November 8 we flew from Atlanta, Georgia/USA back to Amsterdam/The Netherlands for our civil wedding on November 10 at my hometown of Horst
Extract of the Register of Marriage
Extract from the registers of civil status Pieter
Extract from the registers of civil status Mariette
Marriage License

Monday, October 10, 1983

Gemeente Duiven Notification of Registration of Judgment

 Both of us immigrated to the USA from The Netherlands on August 29, 1983
The divorce got finalized on May 3, 1983 but Pieter's ex with whom he lived as brother and sister for 28 years, refused to sign any papers...
So we could NOT marry before we immigrated...
To: Master J.A. Boekelman in Venray, The Netherlands (Pieter's lawyer).
Notification of registration of judgment.

I hereby inform you that on 10 October 1983 the judgment of the District Court of Roermond for divorce was entered in the registers of civil status of that municipality in respect of P.J.C. Vedder: D.E.T. Jeurissen

The civil registrar of Duiven
Married on July 16, 1955 and annulment from October 10, 1983

So, now we could finally make arrangements for our marriage and also start applying for the green card as we had to put this on hold...
We flew back from Atlanta to Amsterdam on November 8, 1983 for our Civil Wedding in my hometown.

Friday, April 15, 1983


 On April 15, 1983 Pieter got summoned to appear before court on May 3, 1983 and that is the day that their divorce got realized.
Roermond, 15 april 1983
Following the application for divorce or, in the alternative, legal separation, the Arrondissementsrechtbank te Roermond ordered that the parties appear in person, accompanied, if they wish, by their attorneys, at the hearing in camera on 3 May 1983 at 11.10 a.m.
I summon you to appear at the hearing of the District Court of Roermond, in the courthouse of Roermond, on the day and time mentioned, in order to be heard. 
The Registrar

Tuesday, December 15, 1981

Korte brief met veel inhoud... Short letter with a lot of content

Short letter with a lot of content...

A very short letter with a lot of content; which hopefully says it all: "Dear Mariet"
Me on December 9, 1981

Monday, November 23, 1970

Mom 7 Months Pregnant with me on November 23, 1950

November 23, 1950
Mom's BP 110
Weight 62 kg or 136.6 lbs
Around 7 months pregnant
My weight was 6 Dutch pounds or 6.6 lbs
Born on February 6 at 1:00 AM