Saturday, January 9, 2021

Afscheidsbrief toen Pieter zo zwak was... Farewell letter when Pieter was so weak...

Dublin, January 9, 2021

Dearest Pieter,

There we are, in front of the painful exit of your special life...
For more than 51 years I was allowed to participate in it and for 37 years in a very nice and intimate way. 
A great love and a deep faith are what unite us.
Proud of the completion of our book; your intellect is preserved for many...
Proud of your always modest way of performing.
A very hard worker, who could do everything, knew everything, and tried everything.
Our critters loved and do love this special person just as much.
Your Dad is waiting for you...
It's been so long. Also, you will meet my oldest sister and more loved ones, who will also accompany you.
How I will ever live without you—I don't know, but for the kitties I'll do it. I also know that your soul is always with me—until you welcome me too...
Faith is strong and it sustains.
Everywhere in the house are the memories and also outside.
Videos that are valuable!
Thank you for so much love...

It is in self–limitation that a master first shows himself. 
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


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