Friday, October 14, 2022

Allerliefste Pieter—Dearest Pieter

Dublin, October 14, 2022

Dearest Pieter,

My rock–my intellectual–hardworking, down–to–earth 'better half'!
We first saw each other 53 years ago. An inexplicable sympathy that grew into a pure–real love.
More than that: a fusion of two souls.
With the same feelings and drive–never lazy or too tired to do anything.
Committing yourself to many and only thinking of yourself at the end... and that even reluctantly!
A deep faith and with the help of God's blessing has given us so many years.
Also, undoubtedly many souls of loved ones who have accompanied us on our path together.
You asked so little for yourself. Often even pro bono for so many.
We are convinced that God will one day settle it! Our behavior and that of those who scarred your heart. We can only pray and ask: Father, forgive them—they don't know what they are doing—just as Jesus said in all his sufferings.
You are still good to all the birds and animals on our estate. You feed and protect them. 
Even more intimate with our cats—they don't hang onto you so much for nothing. Animals feel how you really are and love you unconditionally. How proud I am of you—as I walk through the garden, where your hard work is visible everywhere. And no less in the house—what you've done yourself!!
There is no second Pieter.
Even the little oak clock that you recently managed to repair. And the silver clock! No, such an intelligent person, who still reads so much, is immortal—if it weren't for the body's inaction. 
Thank goodness we captured your intellect in our book in 2020—for others especially. I was also able to highlight some things about our life together. You like to read it on your iPadPro and enjoy it. Makes me feel good and especially because I know there was never time for it before. Always doing a mega job or often driving someone else around and proudly showing our new homeland.
All those memories will remain—that is my anchor when you leave me behind to receive the final reward for you soul. I know you'll still be with me until I get to follow too.
Thank you for so much real love and see you later!


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