Tuesday, May 13, 1986

Allerliefste Maaike—Dearest Maaike

Dag Schat, je Pieter
Saartje nog steeds geen moeder... Groetjes en pur van beiden!

Tuesday evening May 13
Dearest Maaike,
I was surprised to find a note from you in the mail again, this time with the help of Uncle Bo. It is also very nice to express that my soul is dried onto this ink, only Maaike can write something like that. There was also a card of Jan and Myriam, who appear to have been on holiday somewhere in the Dolomites. We will copy them sometime; today Dr. Bagnasco called that he would really like to have us there for a few days. There was a nice new hotel in Montebelluna and we should definitely use it, he thought. Coincidentally, there was also a nice, long letter from Annelies today, nothing bad, and she wrote that they didn't like Oversteyns anymore and that they would much rather that I came again. They were very keen to pay the costs, Bagnasco said, so we wouldn't have to bother Campbell. I thought my Maaike would like that, she loves Italian stuff so much; like Madras! (leather boots)
They would have preferred us to stay for the weekend as well. Do you want to order the tickets at the travel agency in Venray; e.g. Monday morning departure from Düsseldorf to Zurich and Wednesday afternoon from Zurich to Venice and e.g. Saturday (or Sunday) whatever you want, from Venice to Düsseldorf. Wring them out well as far as the rate is concerned, but I can leave that up to you. Often they have a rate where the wife can go for half price or e.g. a Saturday in it or something. Isn't that nice? Today I have been busy again. The course is going well, I thought; quite a nice group. Today they wanted to leave a little earlier to shop in Dublin, possibly to Macon. Mike had organized that. I was then able to take the Ford to Firestone for a lubrication and also went to the dry cleaners. By the way, the stain has not been removed. At home I immediately gave your Ford a wash; in the garage they thought she deserved it. 
I had hoped it would rain clean, but nothing; not a drop has fallen yet, although it is always threatening. 
Then I picked the snow peas and blanched them and put them in the freezer, picked some strawberries and gave the Indian lady behind us some lettuce, she was amazed at everything that grew in our garden she said. Then I replaced the small fluorescent lamp in the kitchen under the sink (the entire fixture was broken) and immediately placed a dimmer switch in the living room so that you can temper the light of the large Oisterwijk lamp while watching TV (or something else). She's burning on a low burner now. There was also a note from Mother today with mainly Fair news and some anxious noises regarding the move. You know, girl, that you shouldn't transplant old trees anymore, they don't catch on so easily, especially in Horst. With a little washing up, tidying up, watering flowers, writing, etc., the time is up quickly and you hardly have time to look into the newspaper. Will be worse next week.  The course ends at 12:00 on Thursday and my flight to Toledo leaves at 16:45. Not much time to pack, let alone to go to Joke. I have to talk to Mike again to see if he can't fill that morning so that I have a little more space. The other day my flight from Toledo (OH) arrives at 18:00h, so plenty of time, if everything is normal. Tomorrow I'll try to get you on the phone, if you're reading this it's already a thing of the past. I'm going to sleep girl, lots of love and greetings to everyone. I hope you had a great day!! A very big kiss darling and see you soon. Bye baby
Your Pieter

Saartje still not a mother.
Greetings and pur from both!
Pieter on February 22, 1986 holding Saartje (left) and her brother Spooky the neighbor's cats.
We never knew their names—if they had any... But Saartje got pregnant.

Monday, May 12, 1986

Lieve Pieter—Dear Pieter

Horst, May 12, 1986
by Tristan

Dear Aunt Mariet and Uncle Pieter.
How are things going in America? With me it's fine. Uncle Pieter, are you alone?... Are you also writing a letter back? And I want to ask if you want to send a church.
(considering that Tristan just had turned 8, one month prior to this typing...).

Dear Pieter,
Just finishing a letter from Tristan. He asked for a drawing of our Dublin church. He is full of the 1st communion etc. 
Had a very nice, quiet relaxing trip. Slept and landed at 10:10 am. Quickly out and quickly the suitcases and at 10:45 am already in the car. Harry was already behind the glass, so we saw us right away. At half past one via Veghel etc. (beautiful spring blossoms) in Melderslo. At 1:15 pm I called mom and dad until 13:45 hrs, good half an hour. They just didn't get it. Dad talked about a hundred things. Then after half an hour Harry took me home. He himself went in first. Mom said that I had been on the phone for half an hour... And Harry: What will that cost? She's definitely homesick, Mom said... Then Dad saw me sitting in the car and saw water burning! They were surprised.
I had coffee and Piet bought for me two bunches of white flowers from Zanders for Mother's Day. At 17:30 Dad drove me to Berkele Heem. Mother had a visit from an elderly woman from the Herstraat?? She left. She had all kinds of boxes in the room because of the move this Wednesday morning. She looked a bit 'older' in the face since November. Her eyes and all that. She wasn't surprised at all! Is Pieter here too, she asked. No, this is a surprise for the two mothers and tomorrow a communion celebration. In the family, she asked. No at Ellie Smits'. I told her to say hello to the rest. Thé was still to come. After 10 minutes we left because Dad was waiting in the car. Ironed at home to be able to go decent looking to church and then called Ellie at 20:00h. She was happy and surprised and so was Tristan. In the tub and at 22:00h to bed. On the old electric under–blanket of yours! Blessed. 
Up at 8:30 am and dressed. Coffee and pie from Mother's Day (home-baked) and at 9:30 Jeu came to pick me up. At 10:00 am the children had to be at the Dean's in the garden for pictures. Picked up by Jong Nederland (Young Netherland) with music and into the church. Jan Smits also had a daughter and Peter and Rita Verdellen had a son. Haven't seen the Dean in person yet. A very nice mass and last week of the Weisterbeek school 20 and 45 of the Doolgaard school now. Going home for coffee etc. Tristan had chosen Chinese dinner and Jeu picked up everything. Easy too. Had a spring roll. Ellie's family came, and later Jeu's. The baby of Moniek of José (Ellie's sister) is now 2.5 and just like a doll! You just have to see her, you will be sold in no time... 
 It's nice to see everyone like this. I've known them all for 21 years, so it's like my own! Ellie liked that too because I'm like one of them and you always felt left out about it... You know what she means. But indeed 3 years is different from 21 years! There was too much food as always!! And Grandpa and Grandma also had to swap because of Thea's son also doing his first communion! So double up. I stayed upstairs for the night. Tristan was so happy that I stayed over. At about 1:00 am I went to bed. Slept well and woken up by the kids, that's nice. Up at 9:30 a.m. Tristan goes to school at 10:30 am. I've helped Ellie vacuum and mop downstairs. At 11:30 am we picked up the kids from school. Together we attacked a second large cold dish platter... That was over! Now in the afternoon just finishing this letter at a wobbly table.
Tristan wanted to give us tadpoles to take home! They are here in the bins in front of the window.  Went shopping some more. Haven't called anyone yet and haven't been to Venray. It will be fine. 
Tonight maybe to Dora, when Thé is home... Dora had grumbled to Mom about me at the market the other day. Because of Marion etc. what I had said. And she had also complained that Marion had had to tote around the yarn last year... Poor child if you have to listen to that now.
So, that's the news so far.
Are you sleeping well?
There is now a faint sun, dry but around 15°C.  
Will you bring some of my rubber bands? They are in the bathroom in a pouch next to your toiletry bag. I still have some, but I forgot about them. I had also forgotten the grey half slip dress. It's in my drawer with the underwear. 
So if you please get that ready. 
Is your new sweater already here? And the shorts? It's not a very short one though. Did you also get the white Bermuda shorts from the dry cleaners? 
Please do bring that mini jam jar as well, what is in the kitchen on the cutlery box.
And is my new sweater already here? Also take a good look in the front porch and on the terrace to see if there is a package. Now that the garage is closed, I don't know where UPS is putting it. 
Oh yes, if you want to call Rekha for those plants, her number is in the kitchen above that phone with those papers.
Did you swim yet?
Well, let's end. Some chatting and then there's coffee 2:40 p.m.
Lots of love from your little one
She's doing well!

Ellie had just seen Liz. Oh what a beauty that is! So Dad be proud.
And Thea looks good too. She spends a lot of time with the wife of butcher Wijnhoven, who also has problems... For the sake of the children, they stay together. She also had two such beautiful daughters. My nice white blouse is getting too tight... Put on the gray one yesterday after Mass! Too bad about the Fl 369 but good for me! I was nicely tanned. 
May 11, 1986 St. Lambertus Church in Horst during 1st Communion

Maandagavond 10 uur – Lieve Maaike—Monday evening 10 o'clock – Lieve Maaike

Kom je zo?
Will you come soon?
Tot spoedig ziens etc. Je Pieter
Monday evening 22:00 on May 12, 1986
Dear Maaike,

It's a bit later than I thought it would be, but I still want to tell you a few words, since yesterday. The North & South has ended, quite dramatically; I think it's neatly on the tape so you'll have to check it out in due course. I was up early this morning, woke up a few times but still slept well. How does my girl sleep in Horst (or Melderslo)? You're also missing something. Today I had a long phone conversation with Bob, I offered my condolences for his mother (who was only 67). We couldn't agree on the computers on the various farms; the discussion will continue on Friday, May 23. 
Oh yes, yesterday I asked Jeannette at the tennis lesson if the books had done anything for Jack. She said "well" as if she had had three turns in a row. Jack is already feeling much better apparently. I was home nice and early today and so I was able to paint the garage doors (until just now). I've almost paralyzed myself, never knew that such a piece of a door also has so many sides. I'm proud of it now, I think it's neat. 
As soon as I have a camera going again, I will take a few pictures of it; also for Harry, after all, it is also for a large part his work. Was he happy with the lens, let's just say that he is now equipped better than I am. I hope I get my lens back soon and that it is okay again. The cats (of the neighbors) don't know what to do with the situation yet, they are crying in front of the door. Later, when I was painting, they were almost in my neck. Saartje is still walking around. 
We still don't have any rain although it is a bit threatening and the sky is a bit cloudy. It was a bit less hot today, but the salary still came, so we will manage it for a few more weeks. We live quite cheaply like this, every now and then a can of soup and and I'm neither spending it on dishwashing liquid. 
How was the surprise on Mother's Day, they certainly looked up. Did it work with the phone call (called Mom & Dad from Harry's for a long time and they thought I'd be homesick...). By the way, I'll have to ask Timmermans for a bigger car than the Simca Horizon; I have to pick up 3 + the luggage + me, that seems a bit tight to me. I'll give them a call tomorrow. And have you had a good time the past few days. I hope you enjoyed it, so really a few weeks of time for yourself and a bit of strolling around in Horst and the surrounding area. Jeannette asked if she had to do laundry for me but I told her that the manual was on the machine and that I would be fine. 
When you get this letter, I'm about to arrive there, because we have to go a day earlier. I can leave the suitcases at the airport in Atlanta, that's what I asked. And now it's time to go to bed, I do miss you, the house has become a bit empty without you, but that will soon change. Hello sweetheart, say hello to everyone and a very big hug from me + a firm kiss before going to sleep. Bye my dear Maaike who I love so much, 
Your Pieter 

See you soon etc.

FORUM at Mushroom Conference — Last Surviving Pioneers | my post about Pieter's Open Forum role
Pieter in his Burberry Tuxedo at Spawnmate Banquet

Sunday, May 11, 1986

Lieve Maaike — Dear Maaike

Groetjes van Saartje en Spooky de buurpoezen die bij ons zijn... nog niks!
Schat van me

Greetings from Saartje and Spooky, the neighbor kitties who are with us... nothing yet!

Sunday evening 8 PM.

Dear Maaike,
I don't know why, but now that I'm sitting here writing, the notes from the drawer keep popping up in my mind. That is how our romance started at the training college. I would slip a little note in the locked, top drawer which had a slit for doing so. Then I put a pencil across Pieter's desk—indicating he had mail! As I arrived half an hour early, this gave me a good time frame for doing so.
Perhaps your sweet note from yesterday also contributed to this. That note really did something to me, to get someone to say that she loves you very much.
Of course I've known that for some time, but I'm not used to something like that being confessed so spontaneously. I also found the note in the drawer and I thought that was sweet too, including Bram. Of course I miss you, but I still think it has its good sides to be separated for a few weeks; then it's not all so self–evident, then you know how to appreciate it even better. Glad you traveled so well, actually still a miracle that I drop you off on Friday evening and that you get another phone call the next day that my girl is safe and sound in Horst, The Netherlands.
By the way, I waited at the exit from the I–285 to the I–75 until the stately blue Jumbo came over. I saw the tail taxiing to the runway on the road (at 20:10) and then I thought; I can also wait until take-off. Because of the wind direction, everything went up in the air where they normally (usually) land. In my mind's eye, I saw you sitting in a row in a chair somewhere. That did affect me quite a bit! Now I'm writing with Brahms and Dvorak in the background. Worked hard yesterday and today. Yesterday morning I first completely did hoe the garden; nice and early, then it's still chilly. Then I turned the sprinklers on and started on the garage door. I had primed the inside of the glass openings first, and then I cut the panes, with a small special device, a kind of scratch knife ($4.50).
This went fine, it's a lot of hard work to get that stuff through (in the right place at least, I couldn't afford a break because I only had just enough. I put them in with a thin layer of white sealant and then the pre–painted slats over it. Then I repainted everything around the windows. When I went to get paint, the representative from Pittsburg Paint was just at W. Supply. He heard that I was discussing with John what color I want to take. He then went with me to look at our house and he thought that there was only one good combination for our house, namely. Colonial white with green. He advised me to do the garage door with that, then you could judge it on a larger level and if you like that color we can buy the rest, the number is registered. I'll try to get the door painted, at least the glass is neatly in there.
 It was disappointing for the cats, they jump against it a few times. I put the box on Kay's freezer and gave the pillow away with the garbage. Today I made the slats against it inside and also primed it. When I got to the church at 9:50 this morning, neatly dressed with cans and Sister Support, Mass had just ended; Apparently, the starting time had changed. No one noticed anything, I said I forgot to take the cans out of the car... The intention was there anyway. Then I first went to school, preparing the slides etc. for tomorrow. I had the paint off my fingers just in time to play tennis. Everybody asked where is Mariet. Father John knew exactly this morning, so he has a good memory. It was hot to play tennis, I lost my fluids today. (By the way, I'm now replenishing it, I had found a large bottle of apple juice, it's going to go empty, you can bet on that, belly or no belly.
It is now almost 21:00 and still 21°C.  In a moment the North and the South starts, I wanted to sit down for that. Darling from me, send warm greetings to everyone, lots of love to you and have a good time and I also love you so much that I didn't go to the moon with you but to America, and I have never regretted that. Goodbye sweetheart, your Pieter

Kitties that ADOPTED US link to post about Saartjes kittens born 3 days after Pieter posted his letter...

Friday, May 9, 1986

Liefste Pieter - Liefste Lieverd...Dearest Pieter - Dearest Sweetheart...

Kennelijk deze ergens neergelegd... op kussen of zo?

Dublin, May 9, 1986

Dearest Pieter,

Just a few goodbye scribbles for you.
Before my hair is dry... (I think my soul will stay wet for two weeks!).
It's pretty cruel to leave behind something so sweet.
The tears are rolling.
I love you so much, I can't miss you.
If you go for Campbell, I'm more accepting of that, but now it's like the family is more important than you.
That's not the case. Even if I had to go to the moon with you, I wouldn't miss a thing if only we were together.
Don't be lonely rascal!
Just enjoy our garden for me...
Eat all the blackberries, strawberries and radishes. 
I'm home too, only I can't touch and hug you.
See you soon!
Lots of love from your Maaike

Apparently this one was put down somewhere... on the pillow or something?
Dublin, 9 May 23:00
Dearest sweetheart,
Let's hear something, via a detour! Uncle Bo took care of that... So it's good to have some family here!
How was your first lonely weekend? Slept well? 
And what was the North & South like?
Does Saartje already have kittens?
Hopefully you won't die of hunger!
Is the group of the course fun?
Are you thinking about the garbage on Mondays and Thursdays?
Stupid to write ahead, but I know you're always happy with a scribble. As long as I can, I will always do so! You know my soul is dried onto this ink...
To take it with me is of no use to me, I'd rather leave it home with you. 
Hopefully the fuchsias inside won't die.
Well rascal, I don't know anything more.  In a few days you will receive real mail again!
Will you last that long?
Lots of love from your own little wifey!
A big kiss and see you soon.
All the best for my greatest treasure. I'm always with you, no matter what. Listen...
May 10, 1986 my arrival at brother Harry's after he'd picked me up at Schiphol Airport...