Friday, May 9, 1986

Liefste Pieter - Liefste Lieverd...Dearest Pieter - Dearest Sweetheart...

Kennelijk deze ergens neergelegd... op kussen of zo?

Dublin, May 9, 1986

Dearest Pieter,

Just a few goodbye scribbles for you.
Before my hair is dry... (I think my soul will stay wet for two weeks!).
It's pretty cruel to leave behind something so sweet.
The tears are rolling.
I love you so much, I can't miss you.
If you go for Campbell, I'm more accepting of that, but now it's like the family is more important than you.
That's not the case. Even if I had to go to the moon with you, I wouldn't miss a thing if only we were together.
Don't be lonely rascal!
Just enjoy our garden for me...
Eat all the blackberries, strawberries and radishes. 
I'm home too, only I can't touch and hug you.
See you soon!
Lots of love from your Maaike

Apparently this one was put down somewhere... on the pillow or something?
Dublin, 9 May 23:00
Dearest sweetheart,
Let's hear something, via a detour! Uncle Bo took care of that... So it's good to have some family here!
How was your first lonely weekend? Slept well? 
And what was the North & South like?
Does Saartje already have kittens?
Hopefully you won't die of hunger!
Is the group of the course fun?
Are you thinking about the garbage on Mondays and Thursdays?
Stupid to write ahead, but I know you're always happy with a scribble. As long as I can, I will always do so! You know my soul is dried onto this ink...
To take it with me is of no use to me, I'd rather leave it home with you. 
Hopefully the fuchsias inside won't die.
Well rascal, I don't know anything more.  In a few days you will receive real mail again!
Will you last that long?
Lots of love from your own little wifey!
A big kiss and see you soon.
All the best for my greatest treasure. I'm always with you, no matter what. Listen...
May 10, 1986 my arrival at brother Harry's after he'd picked me up at Schiphol Airport...

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